Kim’s unique experience, knowledge, and most of all,
her presence— her essential vibe, create a sacred container
within which one's soul brings forth deep truths in a writing practice that can sometimes
verge on the mystical.
It was so healing and magical,
I took it a second time.
And I would take it a third."
Andrea Weatherhead,
Principal, Weatherhead Design
“Kim is a fiercely compassionate human being. Her willingness to
share of herself gives me courage to dig deep and continue to find my own hidden gold. Through her rooted presence in soul-centered artistic practice and ritual, she helps our community to reweave itself whole again.”
John Chilkotowsky,
Former educational director
of Wilderness Awareness School
"Kim is the kind of teacher people want but rarely get to experience. She guides with insight, a refreshing directness, and compassion for the human condition. Her no solos approach has transformed not only my artistic practice but many of the ways I think about my personal and professional life. I walk away from her classes feeling challenged, refreshed, and excited for more."
J. K., Psychotherapist
When we approach artistic practice as a way to deepen belonging, all manner of confusions melt away.
no solos embraces the oldest idea: that an artist is one who affirms and renews our sense of belonging -- to the cosmos, to our physical place in the world, and to community. There are other prevailing notions: Art is a therapy; it’s a way to prove yourself; it’s a commercial pursuit. Sometimes these perspectives are relevant; often, not.
The tasks facing the expressive arts practitioner, whether novice or master, have radically changed in this century. no solos is practical and attuned to the times. It takes into account the impact of both capitalism and technology upon human imaginations and sensory awareness. While not overtly therapeutic, this is, of necessity, a healing work.
Note: All no solos classes & workshops are interdisciplinary in nature.
I may focus on a specific art, but I always keep my eye (and ear) on a full range of human expression: silence, utterance, speech, singing, storytelling, writing, gesture, gaze, movement, performance, and ritual.
There are three branches of no solos expressive arts training:
The menu of past no solos classes & workshops are listed in the Course Catalog
Currently scheduled courses are listed on the Current Schedule
Dates & details will be announced via the no solos newsletter
Express interest in either past or current courses by contacting Kim