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"My 17-year-old daughter received an overwhelming set of psycho-educational diagnoses. A friend told me to call Kim, who can, she said, "cut right through the jargon." Kim has made a study of the culture. She talks about what saps our dignity and power and what restores it. By the end of my first session, I was breathing again. I could see new possibilities. Our healing began that day."

Deb Farrell,

N.D. & Mom

"Kim's ability to hold two ideas at once is extraordinary. In my case, I needed help understanding how my son could be both intellectually gifted and learning disabled. He was also ashamed, frustrated, and bored. We were out of ideas. Kim walked us through multiple transitions and a school search. She was a perfect, knowledgeable, funny, and  compassionate guide. I now know what helps my son

to thrive."

E. Blye,

Physician & Mom

How do we foster maturity

in a culture that's hellbent against it?

Your child or teen has a troublesome behavior. Or s/he's in trouble. You are somewhere between perplexed and desperate. You want to help. You need hope, allies and a plan. You also need one more

thing. I can testify: you need a new way of seeing your child. Once you understand how to nourish the attachment hungers that lurk beneath challenging or immature behavior, everything makes more sense

and a way forward begins to unfold.

My approach draws on decades of inquiry as a mentor and teacher. It's also informed by my personal evolution as a mother. I owe a debt to two teachers: Malidoma Somé, who offers a soulful way to imagine each child's purpose here, and Gordon Neufeld, whose elegant insights into the human need for attachment form the basis of this work.


Parent Consulting:

  • Helps you see the heart of the situation

  • Creates a plan

  • Lowers alarm and restores confidence

  • Identifies your child’s particular attachment hungers

  • Re-connects you to an inner compass

  • Allows space for grief, frustration, guilt, and mixed feelings

  • Illuminates the attachment needs of traumatized, stuck, gifted, highly sensitive, and/or learning disabled individuals

  • Addresses unique challenges faced by modern parents

  • Articulates and supports the developmental phases of launching

  • Gives you a better story than the one you’re currently telling yourself

  • 2-E or Twice Exceptional learners

  • Those with learning differences

  • Highly sensitive, stuck, and/or anxious children

  • Gifted (in the narrow, diagnostic sense) students

  • Boarding school students

  • Home schooled and unschooled 5-19 year olds

  • Pre-teens, teens, and young adults

  • Coaching by phone unless otherwise negotiated
  • Sessions last approximately 60 minutes
  • Rhythm and frequency of sessions can vary
  • Sessions cost $130 USD/hour, payable by PayPal

  • To begin, send a note to Kim and include a brief description of your situation

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