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10:30am - 12:30pm

Saturday January 24

Here's where the description of the workshop would go. Julie & Kim doing their thing together to support assist bolster as they open their voices, step on their stages, seat them at their own tables.

& Also Aphrodite:
Inter-disciplinary Expressive Arts Training for Therapists

10:30am - 12:30pm

Saturday January 24

Description of what this workshop is about. Who it's for. When it is. How it's structured. Etc.

Grief Ritual
& Modern Parenting

9:30am - 4:00pm

Saturday January 24

9:30am - 4:00pm

Sunday January 25

Description of what this workshop is about. Who it's for. How it works. When it is. How it's structured. Etc.


Some longer or more complex workshops might have their own page, which the Read More button would connect to. We'll figure that out how that works when the need arises.


Offerings change season to season, based on whim and inspiration. Collaborations are frequent and requests welcome.

Experiencing the Alpha

"Far from being a failed Martha Beck coach, Kim has been delivered to her coachdom. She cares about people’s ability to read the energies of their situation. That's different from being a thought liberator."


- private mentee

What No Solos Feels Like

"Far from being a failed Martha Beck coach, Kim has been delivered to her coachdom. She cares about people’s ability to read the energies of their situation. That's different from being a thought liberator."


- workshop participant

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